Called to Inspire by Marsha DuCille



Product Details

Published: October 8, 2019
Binding: Hardcover
Trim Size: 6 x 8 in.
Pages: 224
ISBN: 978-1-4964-3598-9
My Rating 5⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Do you sense God prompting you to do something special with your life? Do you feel totally unprepared to answer his call?
Get ready for your heart to be emboldened and your faith strengthened! In CALLED to Inspire, Marsha DuCille, founder and publisher of CALLED magazine, leads you through a 52-question devotional experience to help you discover a rich, victorious life guided by God. With each weekly devotion, you’ll find compelling answers to life’s most significant questions. Each reading is accompanied by a powerful prayer, a meaningful verse to hide in your heart, a declaration to defend and fortify your faith, and journaling space to record your thoughts.

Let CALLED to Inspire encourage you to step outside your comfort zone and give you the strength and confidence to hear God’s calling in your life. Cling to this companion week after week—and dare to render your answer.



This is a Fabulous Devotional that takes readers outside the box so they will think a little differently. It has 52 devotions, each having four pages. Starting with a page with with beautiful flowers, and the devotion name. The second page has the devotions, the third and forth pages are for journal entries. It starts with prayer, then Strength for the Word and I Declare, with verses, and phrases to help get you started. Then page four is a journal entry and gives you ideas to journal about. You can better see in the pictures.

This is not only an awesome Devotional, it’s so pretty to look at each day. The pictures do not do Justice to the pages. They are beautiful. I highly recommend this book that will last you for a year, if you use the scripture a d dig deep. Or you can use it for a once a week devotions. Lots of options with this one.

A copy of this book was given to me by the author or publisher. I am not required to write a positive review. The opinions here in this review are totally mine alone. I am disclosing this with my review in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255.




Marsha DuCille is the founder and editorial director of CALLED Magazine, the largest North America-based publication for Christian women. Her “hobby turned global venture” reaches millions of women through a variety of multi-media platforms. She is also the creative director of CALLED Design, a print and digital solutions enterprise, and the chairman of The CALLED Project, a philanthropic arm that supports outreach efforts around the world. Marsha earned a master’s degree in social work from Boston University and a master’s degree in educational foundations, research, and policy from the University of Michigan.

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