PTSD Road to Recovery: One Soldiers Story by Bob Bray

PTSD Road to Recovery: One Soldiers Story
by Bob Bray


Most books on PTSD are dry, clinical, and impersonal – no matter how sympathetic they are to the sufferers. Not so with this challenging book!

Author Bob Bray has walked an exhausting pathway, dealing with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) in his own life. Obviously, PTSD has been around for a long while. It has existed under names such as battle fatigue, shell shock, or the soldier’s disease. Today, that notion has expanded beyond the battlefields where weapons are used to destroy enemies. Now it refers to the emotional trauma experienced when people are exposed to horrific situations beyond their ability to understand or explain to themselves. It comes with hurricanes, forest fires, floods, and terrorist attacks like the Boston bombing. This book is unique in that it describes more than the outward observations of physicians and researchers. It is a view from the inside of someone who has been overwhelmed, survived, and now has begun to thrive after PTSD. The author is a compelling writer pouring out the inner struggles and outward consequences that come from those who have lived through the horrors of warfare. To them, all too frequently, they come home but the battle isn’t over.


I have never been around anyone with PTSD, but after reading Bob Bray’s book, PTSD Road to Recovery: One Soldier’s Story, I now have a clear insight of what someone goes through when having this disease. Mr. Bray’s story started when he was abused as a small child, and continued on through his school years, into the military and again back at home. He gives a clear insight of what soldiers face every day, and what they face after their time of service at home. I had never really thought about it like he explained it, that while in military service, there is always someone to tell you what to do, and when you get home, its just you, and no one to tell you how to live your life. This is just a little taste of what it is this book.

My heart ached as I read Bob Bray’s story. From the very beginning, reading about the beating from his father, Mr. Bray was never given a chance to know how to deal with this abuse, except though anger and fighting as he got older. One thing about this book is, readers are getting everything firsthand. I better understand the life of a soldier and the life of a police officer now that I’ve read this book on the road to recovery from PTSD. After everything this author went through for so many years, the part of his story that he tells about his recovery is amazing. There are so many things in this book that can be of help to others going though the same situations. If you are suffering PTSD. anxiety, depression, or any other unhealthy feelings after coming home from military service, or maybe from having a difficult life like Bob Bray, this is definitely the book you need to read. I can’t emphasize enough how important this book is. I strongly encourage you to pick up a copy for yourself, or for someone you know. I may change your life or the life of your friend.