Jesus is Calling The Story of Christmas by Sarah Young


Info about the book:

Jesus Calling®: The Story of Christmas uniquely teaches the Christmas story to your children by starting at creation and sharing that Jesus has always been present and that God has always had a plan for Christmas. Bible verses and Jesus Calling devotions are on every spread of this beautifully illustrated book with foil and glitter on the cover.


Teach your children the story of Christmas . . . starting from creation! In Jesus Calling®: The Story of Christmas, children will discover that God always had a plan for Christmas.

Christ was chosen before the world was made.

—1 Peter 1:20


The Christmas story began long, long ago. Before the angel Gabriel told Mary she would have God’s Son. Before the shepherds saw the angels and before the wise men saw the star.

Even before the sun and the moon shone for the first time, before the first cows ever moooed and the first monkeys ever climbed! Before Adam and Even took their first walk in the Garden of Eden, God had a plan for Christmas.

From the beginning of time, God had a plan to save his children. That plan was Jesus!


What a beautiful Christmas story book for kids. And adults too, I love reading this story. I do think it may be a little more info for smaller children, not four year olds, but even with smaller children, you can leave out what you think it to much for your smaller child. I like that it has the prophecies are in the book because it gives kids an idea of what happens surrounding the birth of Jesus.

The hard cover copy is so beautiful! I would purchase this  book for the cover alone! The pictures inside are just as beautiful and children will love looking at the child like pictures while you are reading the story.

Overall, this is a sweet book to add to your child’s library, a book I strongly encourage you to check out. And one amazing thing about Christmas stories, you can read them anytime, because there’s never a wrong time to read the story of Jesus’ birth to children.

I received this book from Front Gate Blogger Network to read and review. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal  Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 55.


Jesus Calling®: The Story of Christmas is a beautifully embellished jacketed hardcover with foil and glitter. Curl up with your little ones around the Christmas tree with Jesus Calling®: The Story of Christmas.

