Join us today for an interview with Missy Tippens and giveaway

Glad you could join us today with Missy Tippens!

Hi everyone, Welcome to by blog and today’s interview with Missy Tippens. I am really glad to have Missy here with us today. I’ve read all of her books except the one she is giving away this week, “A Family For Faith” and I am sure this on is just as awesome as the others. And if you haven’t read her Christmas book “A Forever Christmas” you need to purchase a copy to read this Christmas. I read it every Christmas! Ok enough of me, now on to our interview with Missy

Hi Missy, it’s great to have you on my blog today. Thank you so much for being here. Tell us a bit about yourself.

 Thank you for having me, Joy! I’m a pastor’s wife and mother of three—ages 21, 16 and 14. I’m a former microbiologist-turned-stay-at-home mom. I’ve also been an adjunct instructor at our local technical college. Now I spend my days writing.

We are glad you take time to write wonderful books for us to read Missy!

How long have you been writing?

I started my first book in 1995 (when I got my first computer!). It took about 12 years before I sold my first novel.

I didn’t realize the patience of a writer until I started interviewing. I can only imagine how extremely happy you were selling your first book.

 What aspects of being a writer do you enjoy the most?

I love working at home (sometimes in my p.j.’s!). I love brainstorming ideas. I love creating new characters. I love…well, writing in general! Oh, and I’d have to say the wonderful letters from readers are my very favorite part. They’re very touching and give me encouragement.

Yes working at home in PJs would be a blessing! And bloggers, contact Missy when you read her books and let her know how you feel about them.

What is your favorite Scripture?

It’s hard to pick just one. 🙂 But here’s one of them:

Jeremiah 29:11

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

 I need to review this question, it is hard to pick just one, but I do love this one you chose.

How do you find characters for your books? Are the influenced by family and friends?

 I usually try to think up characters who are opposites in some way. I often envision one character to fit my story idea and then try to come up with the match. I’d have to say that no, they’re not usually influenced by family or friends. Although I do sometimes borrow certain traits or experiences. One character I wrote in my last manuscript (coming from Love Inspired in February 2012) has the voice and eyes of an elderly friend of mine. And in A Family for Faith, the experience of the heroine with her son is based on the experience of a friend.

I always want to know how characters are chosen, it’s just interesting to see where the people we read about comes from.

 What are 4 things about yourself that most people wouldn’t know about ?

Well, I would answer that I’m a former microbiologist, but I just told that in your first question. 🙂 I’ll still count it, though.

–I was a majorette in high school.

–I play the oboe. (Or playED, as in past tense! It’s been years.)

–I recently started taking a Zumba class at our church and am having way too much fun with it! 🙂

 And thanks for answering this question…..I think everyone gets a kick out of finding out these little things. Zumba classes sound interesting!

When will your next book be out?

 A House Full of Hope, from Love Inspired, will be out in February. It takes place in the same town as A Family for Faith, and you’ll see some of the same characters again.

I think you just told us this earlier….and I can’t wait for another Missy book to come out. I always like reading several books about the same characters. Sometimes I just don’t want to let the characters go.

What are you working on now?

I recently sent in a new proposal that I hope to sell and am already working on another proposal idea.

It seems kinda strange that when we are celebrating a new book coming out, you already have several others in the making. But that is how we get the books so close together.

Where can our readers find you?

Oh, and I’m on Twitter, Goodreads and Facebook!

 Anything else you want to add?

 Thanks for having me!

And thank you for being here Missy. I know you have a busy schedule and I appreciate you taking the time to be here for us. And since you are one of my favorite authors, so I am especially excited that you were willing to do an interview with me!

And I wanted to save this one until last, Tell us a bit about A Family for Faith and what Inspired you to write this wonderful book.

A Family for Faith was inspired while I was flying home from a writers’ conference. Across the aisle, and up one row, a dad sat by himself with a young daughter. He was trying to fix the bow in her hair and was not having any luck at all. I just ached for him and his daughter, wondering if there was a mom in the picture. But I was also touched at how gentle and persistent he was, and that he tried so very hard with that silly bow. Right then and there, I knew I had to write a story about a single dad with a daughter who was hitting an age where she really needed a mother figure.

But who on earth would I match this character with? Well, if his daughter really needed a mother, then how about a heroine who didn’t want children? Or, even better, what if she had a child but for some reason thought she wasn’t a good mother? As I started brainstorming ideas, I remembered a close friend of mine who, many years ago, was devastated when she had to give up custody of her children when they chose to live with their dad. I asked her to share with me how she felt at the time and knew I’d found my heroine.  So the story was born!

Here’s the back cover blurb:

When Faith Hagin sees widower cop Gabe Reynolds every day in her coffee shop, she can’t help but feel for the struggling single dad. She’s raised a teenager of her own—and sadly, knows what not to do. But thanks to his matchmaking preteen daughter, Chelsea, the whole town’s praying for Gabe to find a wife!

Even though Faith thinks she’s content being just friends, spending time with him and Chelsea starts to feel like a fresh start at having a family. And their love may be the answer to everyone’s prayers.

Gives me chills girl! I have Family of Faith on my list to read, but think I’m gonna have to move it up a bit!! We look forward to your new book in February 2o11 and I hope you will be here again to tell us about it!

And I want to thank you again Missy on behalf of my bloggers as well for being here today. and bloggers, go out and buy Missy’s new book A Family for Faith” and while your at it, look for A Forever Christmas” too!

As a matter of fact….you can find all of Missy’s books HERE ON AMAZON

And if you would like to enter to win Missy’s book “A Family for Faith”  just leave a comment about the interview. And leave your email address as well!  PLEASE.,…IF YOU DO NOT LEAVE A COMMENT BELOW…YOU WILL NOT BE ENTERED INTO THE DRAWING.

If you want an extra entry in the drawing, go here or click on link below and rate my review of
Judgement Day.

I will draw for a winner Wed. July 27th

Now for the last thing….check out this interview with Missy about her writing
and her last book.