Hot Button Series by Nicole O’Dell

Hot Button Series

By: Nicole O’Dell



Hot Buttons books 300x300 Nicole ODell: On Hot ButtonsFrom drugs to bullying, from internet activity to dating, Hot Button issues have saturated youth culture . . . and may have challenged your teen. This accessible, quick-reference series is a practical guide for discussing these Hot Buttons with your child, before the issues becomes a problem.

HOT BUTTONS is group of uniquely packaged parenting resources that discuss the “hot button issues” teens face today. These accessible, quick reference books come in a 6×6 square trim and offer parents a practical way to discuss the hot buttons with their tweens and teens, before the issues become a problem. In addition to the scenarios, the books each offer warning signs and recommendations for each issue discussed.

Why did you start this series? I was searching for ways to lead my children to make good decisions and decided it would be far better to talk to them proactively about issues they would one day face, than it would be to wait until they were buried under poor choices. I believed it would be easier to control the way they perceived the information and easier to help them see and understand the consequences of poor decisions if they could look at it objectively, without the added stress of peer pressure and other outside influences. This relaxed and safe way of approaching the issues has been invaluable in preparing my own kids for the pressure they’d soon face, and the added benefit of honest discussion, a quality too often missing in parent-teen relationships has brought us closer together.

When and where can I get the Hot Buttons books? The first four editions of the Hot Button series release in 2012, with Kregel Publications, and cover issues like dating, internet activity, addictions, and sexuality. Future editions will tackle addiction, friendship, identity issues, and more.

I had the privilege of reading and reviewing two of the Hot Button Series books, The Dating Edition and The Internet Edition. I was amazed at the wealth of information I found in both of these little books. Nicole O’Dell gives teens and tweens a series of books that will help in making difficult decisions on each of the subjects in these books.






In the Internet Edition, Nicole talks about Internet activity, social networking, sharing files with others, internet porn and predators. And she also gives help to parents on how to protect your child, and know what your child is looking at on the web. And she goes to the scripture and shares what that Bible teaches, and how young people should act as the use the Internet.




In the Dating Edition, the author uses the same outline, only talks about dating starting with the early boy-girl relationship. She hits on whether or not to date, missionary dating, physical attraction and violence and abuse in dating. And again, talks about protective procedures, uses scripture and the Armor of God and Strategic Scenarios for both parents and teens.


I have to say I was very impressed with the two books I read in this Series. One really special thing about the series is that is gives parents and teens a chance to talk about these difficult subjects. With a study guide at the end of each book, the questions are already there for discussion, making it much easier on both the young person and their parents.


I highly recommend this series to anyone who has children. They are written for tween/teens, depending on the subject, but if you have younger children, they will be this age before you know it, so grab a copy of these books for your home library. You may be surprised the impact these books will have on your family.


I received these books free from Kregel Publishing. I was not required or expected to write a positive review. The opinions here are my own.