Balanced by Tricia Goyer…Take the 11 day Balance with Tricia Starting now!

Balanced by Tricia Goyer



How can a work-at-home mom raise kids, juggle a career and take care of family responsibilities with only 24-hour days? Working at home while raising kids and juggling a career and family responsibilities is no easy feat. Author and homeschooling mom Tricia Goyer shares her tips for finding balance among all your many hats as a mom. Balancing is a process and a journey, one that Tricia herself has yet to perfect. But between writing more than forty books, raising and homeschooling six kids, being a wife, and being active in her community, she has amassed valuable tips she shares in “Balanced.”

The book includes tips on:
—how to create focus themes for your family
—how to prioritize your schedule
—how to utilize your job so it also benefits your kids
—how to keep yourself out of the comparison game
—how to make working at home work for you
—and much more!

Working at home while raising kids and juggling a career and family responsibilities is no easy feat, am I right WAHMs? With three adopted kiddos in our house, I’m beyond busy, between parenting, homeschooling, writing, cooking, doing loads of laundry.

That’s why I compiled my new book, Balanced—to help all you WAHMs learn to balance your many responsibilities. It’s a short ebook that’ll be a quick read and it’s only $2.99 from Amazon and Barnes & Noble (sorry, only available digitally)!



Tricia Goyer is a working mom that has to balance her everyday like between her family and work. She has written this book, Balanced because of trying to balance her time and work and family. There are wonderful tips and ideas in this book. I haven’t read the book yet, I have just purchased my copy so I can follow this challenge with Tricia. If you would like to join in on the challenge too, click on the button in the right sidebar, or at the bottom of this post and it will send you to the right page to get started! I hope I will have a lot of you joining us on this wonderful challenge together. Its a wonderful way to learn how to better live you life, as well as get to know wonderful friends via my blog!

Blessings to you! Joy Hannabass


Get Balanced!
Tricia Goyer Balanced

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