Interview And Giveaway with Paula Wiseman

Hello everyone, I am so happy to have Paula Wiseman on my blog today. Paula is a new author for me, and I am excited to have new books and a new author to add to my list. Paula is the author of Contingency and Indemninty and a third book that will be out this fall Precedent.
I haven’t read Paula’s books yet, but they or on my list to read in a week or so. Watch for the reviews to come.

Paula will be giving away her books Contingency to the blogger who’s name is chosen on August 1st. Be sure to leave a comment about the interview and don’t forget to leave your email!

Now lets meet Paula!

Hey Paula, it’s great to have you on my blog today. Thank you so much for being here. Tell us a bit about yourself.

Joy, I’m grateful for the opportunity to be here. Thank you so much for having me. I’m a former research chemist, turned homeschooling mom and author. I married a super terrific man, and we have three wonderful kids, a little dog, and a hateful cat.

LOL sorry about your hateful cat Paula!

How long have you been writing?

I am a total word nerd, always writing, reading or teaching something. I’ve written stories since grade school, and wrote a novel in college. That one will probably never see the light of day. My first book, Contingency was an idea that percolated for a couple of years before I started work on it in 2005.

I’m looking forward to Reading  Contingency and Indemnity . It is on my soon to read list. We are glad you are giving us more great book choices to read!

What aspects of being a writer do you enjoy the most?

 I love creating, especially working out plots and refining characters in a first draft. I have some great friends who are a tremendous help at that stage in the process. We really enjoy batting ideas around, and I’m a much better writer thanks to their help.

I also dearly love hearing from readers. Few things are as satisfying as connecting with someone over a shared story.

Ok bloggers remember this and don’t forget to contact Paula and let her know you support her, and go purchase her books and write a review on them as well!

Tell us one of your favorite Scriptures?

“Fear not, for I have redeemed you;

    I have called you by your name;

    You are Mine.

    When you pass through the waters, I will be with you;

    And through the rivers, they shall not overflow you.

    When you walk through the fire, you shall not be burned,

    Nor shall the flame scorch you.

    For I am the Lord your God,

    The Holy One of Israel, your Savior

(Isaiah 43:1-3)

 I love the tender reassurance and the intensity of God’s love that comes through in these verses.

If my readers pay attention to what comes out of my preacher characters’ mouths, they’ll have a good idea what my other favorites are.

I love books with a healthy Biblical content, we appreciate authors writing books like this. This is a very good scripture to be a favorite too! Thank you for sharing that with us Paula.

 How do you find characters for your books? Are the influenced by family and friends?

None of my characters are fictionalized versions of anyone I know, but I do draw heavily from real people. Bobbi is not me, but there is more of me in her than any of my characters, except for coffee drinking. I never drink coffee. Never have. Her boys are loosely based on a good friend’s sons. A lot of Gavin’s dialogue came straight from my husband when we would discuss Contingency. When I drafted my second book, Indemnity, my son was the same age as Jack, so I borrowed some things from him.

I always love this question, to me it is so interesting to find out where these people come from that we read about and love.

What are 4 things about yourself that most people wouldn’t know about ?

*I keep mug full of M&Ms and a tub of bubble gum by my computer. I don’t think I could write without them.

*My favorite season is football season.

*I love the TV show, River Monsters. My son and I rarely miss it.

*I hate spiders and driving in big cities.

This is another favorite question, and thank you for answering! Makes us feel like we know you just a little bit better.

When will your next book be out?

I am editing my third book in the Covenant of Trust Series, Precedent, which releases later this fall.

Awesome, I hope you will come back for another blog visit when this book comes out too!

What are you working on now?

I just contracted a news series, called Foundations, about a father and son trying to find their relationship after the death of the wife/mother. This series has my favorite characters.

In addition, I’m outlining a couple of new projects before the ideas get away.

Sounds like you have a lot of work in progress, which is awesome for us readers. We will do whatever we can to help you promote your new work!
Where can our readers find you?

My website is and I’m on Facebook. Email works too.
Anything else you want to add?

I mentioned my son twice. I better get the girls some press time. My oldest is my chief cheerleader. I usually share my good news with her first, or at least second, just so she can squeal. My youngest is headed off to school this fall, and I’m really going to miss those morning snuggles.

It’s always more difficult on moms that on the child when they start school. I remember those days. How proud you have to be of your children that they cheer you on as a writer!

And I wanted to save this one until last, Tell us a bit about your books and what Inspired you to write them.

My faith is such a huge part of who I am. I wanted to write stories about people dealing with faith issues in the midst of some of life’s most challenging circumstances. Plus, So many people question that Scripture is relevant, that it has the answers for us in this day and age, that it can speak to the deepest cries of our hearts.

I believe God’s word is relevant, it does have the answers for us even in this day and age and it absolutely can speak to the deepest cries of our hearts. I want to demonstrate that.

Thank you so much Paula for speaking God’s Word to us through books. This gives me a real hunger to read your first two books: Contingency  and Indemnity and I hope to read and review your brand new book Precedent that releases later this year.

Folks that’s all today with Paula Wiseman, and I hope you will go out and buy a copy of her books. You can find them both online. I want to thank Paula so much for taking time out of her busy schedule to be with us today. We love and appreciate you Paula!

**I will post a review on my blog when I read them, as well as post to several online bookstores. I encourage you to do the same. And don’t forget to go by Paula’s website HERE and let her know how you like her books. I didn’t know until I started reviewing books just how much time and work is put into a book from the writing thru to the publishing date. I regret that I took advantage of authors and didn’t see the need to let them know how much we appreciate them for bringing us awesome books to read! And the important thing is unsaved people will read books when they may not read their bible and go to church. Books are a wonderful tool to lead our friends and families to Christ.

You can purchase Paula’s books HERE on AMAZON

Check the trailer for Idemnity

Paula’s Covenant of Trust Series:

Ok Folks….comment time. Don’t forget to mention something in the interview, and leave your email address.
Also rating one of by reviews will get you one extra entry, rating both will get you 3 extra entries. Please tell me in your comment how many you rated. thank you!
Click on book to rate review                                                                                                         Click on book to rate review

9 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Paula Wiseman
    Jul 25, 2011 @ 16:04:12

    Thanks for having me, Joy! Blessings!



  2. sara
    Jul 25, 2011 @ 19:17:44

    Thanks so much for introducing us to a new author. It is always good to find Christian authors. Please enter me in the giveaway and thanks for allowing us to be able to win a great book. Thanks



  3. Linda Williams
    Jul 25, 2011 @ 19:23:59

    I love reading books and enjoy reading new authors. It’s hard to find Christian books to read and when I find a Christian author I read their books all the time. Thanks for letting me know about Paula Wiseman. Please enter me in the giveaway and for producing Christian books!



  4. Patsy
    Jul 25, 2011 @ 22:09:32

    Paula I love that Bible verse too. As I read it tonight it really encouraged me. I would have to have bubble gum by the computer too! Looking forward to reading your books.




  5. karenk
    Jul 26, 2011 @ 19:36:32

    a great posting…would enjoy reading this novel 🙂



  6. wendy marple
    Aug 03, 2011 @ 16:58:49

    I want to hear more about the hateful cat 🙂 These books sound interesting.



  7. Anne Payne
    Aug 04, 2011 @ 08:00:45

    I, too , have a hateful cat! My question for Paula is, How do you wake up without coffee?!! 🙂

    Books sounds good. I’m in!




  8. brendabh
    Aug 04, 2011 @ 18:23:21

    Hi Paula, Have not read any of your books yet but have added them to my wish list. Thanks for writing Christian books for us to read.
    Joy, I could not figure out how to rate your reviews but will try again next time.



  9. Linda
    Aug 04, 2011 @ 18:37:05

    Christian books is about sharing the Gospel. Glad to see you have many favorite Scriptures. I haven’t read any of your books, either, but they do sound intriguing!



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