PUYB Tours…..Indemnity A Novel by Paula Wiseman


Join Paula Wiseman, author of the Contemporary Christian Fiction  Indemnity (Book Two: Covenant of Trust) (Mindstir Media), as she virtually tours the blogosphere in August 2011 on her second virtual book tour with Pump Up Your Book!

About Paula Wiseman

After working several years as research chemist, Paula Wiseman was blessed with the opportunity to stay home with her children and follow the writer’s path. Contingency: Book One: Covenant of Trust Series, her debut novel, spent time on the Amazon.com Christian Fiction bestsellers list, and was also the #1 Hot New Release in Christian Fiction.

Indemnity Book Two: Covenant of Trust Series is her second novel.

Paula blogs on matters of life and faith at www.paulawiseman.com.  Connect with her on facebook at www.facebook.com/paula.wiseman.author and Twitter at www.twitter.com/paulawiseman.

About Indemnity


After years of believing Chuck’s affair is behind them, Bobbi’s marriage is tested again when Tracy Ravenna resurfaces. Tracy’s not alone, though. Jackson Charles Ravenna is the newest student in Bobbi’s first grade class and the spitting image of her husband. When Chuck decides to pursue joint custody, they discover Jack isn’t the only secret Tracy’s been hiding. As Tracy’s past begins to threaten their future with Jack, Bobbi is forced to face the unsettling truth about God’s grace. But this time, what will it cost to forgive the unforgivable?

Read the Excerpt!

Bobbi charged across the lobby, her jaw set, fire in her eyes. Before he could react, she banged his office door closed behind her. “So help me, God, if you knew about this, Chuck, I will divorce you right now!” She threw a packet of papers across the desk.
“What are you talking about? If I knew about what?”
“I asked you!” Bobbi leaned across his desk, pointing a finger at him. “I asked you specifically if she was pregnant!”
“Who? Tracy? She wasn’t.”
“Read that last name on my class list! It’s her son!”
Chuck picked up the papers without taking his eyes off his wife. He swallowed hard and adjusted his glasses, then skimmed the top sheet until he found “Jackson Charles Ravenna.” A wave of squeezing pressure hit his chest. “How do you know—?”
“Next to last page,” she snapped.
He looked away from her icy glare and carefully turned pages. This had to be a misunderstanding, a mistake of some sort. His eyes ran down the sheet looking for “Jackson Charles Ravenna.” He immediately recognized Tracy’s handwriting. Before his mind blasted in a thousand directions, he looked back up at his wife, battling to maintain calm in his voice. “Now Bobbi—”
“Don’t patronize me!” She slammed her hand down on his desk. “You look me in the eyes and tell me the truth. Did you know about this boy?”
“No.” He locked eyes with her. “I’m as shocked as you are.”
“I doubt that,” Bobbi shot back. “She hasn’t tried to contact you?”
“Have you tried to contact her?”
He could feel heat rising under his shirt collar, and his pulse began to pound.
“Chuck, answer me,” Bobbi seethed with quiet fury.
Chuck wished she were still yelling. “When I split the firm and sent Pete to open the Kansas City office …” Her clenched jaw twitched ever so slightly. “I checked with the Missouri Bar to see if she was there.” Bobbi dropped her head and huffed. “That’s all, I swear. I’ve never, ever tried to find a phone number, an address, or anything.”
“Say it without blinking.”
“I haven’t had any contact with Tracy in seven years.”
“That’s about to change,” Bobbi smirked, and pointed at the class list. “He’s yours, isn’t he?”
“He couldn’t be. She told me she took care of everything.”
“And of course she wouldn’t lie.” Bobbi rolled her eyes at him, and jabbed a finger toward the packet. “Look at his birth date.”
“April eighteenth. So?”
“Do the math.”
Chuck’s blood ran cold as he counted backwards nine months. He looked up from the paper into his wife’s eyes, as her anger gave way to fear and uncertainty.
“Bobbi, I don’t know what to say …” He wanted to cry, yell, throw something, punch something, and then rip the papers up in little tiny pieces.
“Almost to the day, isn’t it?” she said quietly.

My Review

Indemnity A Novel by Paula Wiseman

Indemnity continues with the story of Chuck and Bobbi Molinsky. This picks up seven years later. The Molinsky’s are back together, now have another child. A daughter, which is daddy’s little girl. Bobbi is still teaching, and is shocked, to put it mildly, when she sees her new student list for the year. One of her students just happens to have the same name as the woman Chuck had the affair with seven years before, with Chuck’s first name Charles as the child’s middle name. And to make matters more upsetting for Bobbi, not only is the child’s birthday almost exactly seven years to the dates Chuck spent with this woman, he looks just like their second child Joel.

Although Chuck and Bobbi, thought they were finished with Tracy forever, and had been for seven years, that was just not to be. Chuck’s affair was back, yet again to slap him in the face. But the worse thing was, he would now have to be in touch with Tracy, see her again, because of the child that happened because of his affair. How would Bobbi deal with this? And will Chuck and Bobbi’s marriage be able to survive this additional struggle because Chuck chose to cheat on Bobbi? Well, this one is a Must read! And as you continue to follow their story, you will be surprised and may even be shocked at the turn of events that takes place.

First of all, I LOVE this series of books. You don’t have to read the first book, but it’s worth every penny you spend on it, so buy both of these books, and read them.

I was so sad for both Chuck and Bobbi about the child Chuck and Tracy had because of their affair. Bobbi had already been through enough, and it just didn’t seem fair for her to have to now deal with this. And their marriage was now doing so well, with the counseling sessions, and their little girl to remind them of their reconciliation.  And Chuck was indeed a jerk to her after finding out about Jake, even after he had promised faithfully he would never do anything again to hurt her. Bobbi still handled it so well, even though Chuck was making decisions not including her.  I wanted to just choke him and get it over with! Of course this is another reason you need to read the book! To find out what happens!

To be a new author, Contingency and Indemnity being her first two books, Paula Wiseman writes like a true professional. The characters she created are so unique to the story, all of the characters are awesome and weave so well together in the story. And the story, wow I don’t think I have ever had my emotions twisted around as I did reading and taking in every detail of Bobbi’s heartbreaking situation. It was like she was a true friend, and I wanted to do anything I could to take the pain from her. She had already been through enough, it just didn’t seem fair for this to be happening. But the amazing part of this book is that God doesn’t see things the way we do! And He knew Bobbi, and wanted to use her in a way that she never imagined. I appreciate so much the strong Biblical content Paula included in this book. It was like going through counseling myself. Anyone going through infidelity or if you know someone going through it, please, please you NEED these two books! As well as the third book coming out soon! In this series, you will see unbelievable love and forgiveness that only God can give a person. If you have a broken marriage because of infidelity, you will see that God can and will heal, if you are willing. It’s not an easy ride, but with God, all things are possible.  All I can say is….just get these books and read them!! You will not be disappointed!!

This book was provided by the author through PUYB blog tours. I was not expected to give a positive review, only an honest one. The opinions in this review are mine only.

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