Marcia Lee Laycock, Book Launch for “A Tumbled Stone” Enter to win Marcia’s book

Marcia Lee Laycock, Book Launch for “A Tumbled Stone”

Welcome to Marcia’s book launch. On my blog today, I am honoring Marcia by featuring reviews of each book, and a bit about her life. 

As you will read in my reviews, if you only have time for 2 books right now, make Marcia’s books ONE SMOOTH STONE and A TUMBLED STONE!!

From Marcia……Purchase A Tumbled Stone on Amazon today and get bunches of freebies…..follow the instructions below.

May 14th only buy A Tumbled Stone on Amazon & email w/ purchase code & get the link for FREE items!


I am giving away a print copy of Marcia’s book One Smooth Stone. To enter, leave a comment with your name and email. If you don’t leave your email, then I can’t contact you if you win, and I will draw another name. Giveaway STARTS TODAY and ENDS Monday May 21st.

About Marcia Laycock

I was raised at the conjunction of two of the Great Lakes, Huron and Superior, in Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario. Most of my childhood was spent on an island on the north shore of Lake Huron.

After a short stint at Carleton University in Ottawa, I ran away to Alaska and then the Yukon, had a “road to Mayo” conversion in 1982, leaped by faith into Briercrest Bible College with my husband in 1985 and landed in the “promised land” of central Alberta in 1988.

I’ve had the privilege of living a few miles south of the Arctic Circle (Dawson City Yukon) and a couple of degrees south of the equator (Papua New Guinea). I suppose that’s why my writing is steeped in the imagery of winter, with the odd palm tree thrown in.

For the past 20-odd years, I’ve been a pastor’s wife, mother of three girls, a freelance writer and speaker, caretaker of two dogs, a six-toed cat and sundry fish.

The writing began in the attic of my parent’s house where I wrote stories for my dolls. None of them complained, so I kept it up. The Lord has abundantly blessed, challenged, rebuked, healed and restored me through the process of writing and being involved with writers. I am a member of  Inscribe Christian Writers’ Fellowship, The Word Guild and American Christian Fiction Writers

The speaking began when I was asked to give my testimony at a women’s retreat in Tok, Alaska. (You can read a bit about that in Hot Apple Cider ) I have since spoken at many women’s retreats and one day events. The Lord continues to bless me as he blesses women through me. To learn more about my speaking ministry, click on  SPEAKING

I have just published a new ebook for writers and have two devotional books in print, and my novel, One Smooth Stone, was released by Castle Quay Books in September, 2007. The Sequel will be released soon.




A Tumbled Stone  by Marcia Lee Laycock

A Tumbled Stone continues the life of Alex Donnelly and his now wife Kenni. At the end of “One Smooth Stone,” Alex finds a baby picture of him, and an even younger baby girl, which has to be his sister, one he never knew he had. Now Alex’s main mission in life was to find his sister Andrea, the only tie to his real family.

Andrea Calvert’s life has been somewhat good, but there’s just been something missing. Her foster mom and dad had just never acted right, but Andrea couldn’t put her finger on what the problem was. And now Andrea has added to that problem by being in the situation that is now in. And because she didn’t want to spend the next 9 months to a year with her mom’s sister, she runs away from her home and parents. She lands in the closest nearby town, Regina. Eating at a restaurant and kind of making a joke about the owner needing help because they were so busy, she was surprised and happy that Evie did need help and offered her a job at Evie’s Rocky Road Diner. She even had a room above the restaurant for Andrea to live in. It was all coming together for Andrea, for now, until Evie found out about the pregnancy.

Meanwhile Alex had hired a PI to try and find his sister, since he had no idea where to look for her. For some reason, Alex knew he had to find her, and find her fast. Though he didn’t know why, he couldn’t shake the feeling.

I don’t want to give anything else away about either of these books, because it will ruin the reading for you. This book, as well as the first book in the series, is so full of life, good and bad excitement, along with the many twists and turns you will be glued to its pages. I love everything about Alex and Andrea’s story, from the first meeting with Alex on through to meeting all of the many people along the way and all of the details in-between. And I really appreciate the way Marcia incorporates the Lord in her stories, just as we should in our everyday lives. And she writes it in a way that is not offensive to anyone because it is just a way of life for the characters.

Again, Marcia Laycock gives us another book that will capture your heart as you continue to follow the life of Alex. And again, Marcia delivers a message of hope to those who have faced the many difficult situations that are mentioned here. To be able to take on the difficulties caused by losing ones parents at an early age, horrific foster care, abusive foster parents, bitterness and hurt, teen pregnancy, abortion, autism, the secrets and lies of Andrea’s adoptive parents, whew, and so much more, then pull it all together and come up with a story like this, well it takes an awesome intelligent, gifted and professional writer. And that is just what Marcia Lee Laycock proves she is in her two books. I am not sure if this is the last book in this series, but I am ready for more of Alex and Andrea. And I am sure looking forward to any other books Marcia will be writing.

A copy of this book was provided to me by the author, Marcia Lee Laycock for me to read and review. I was not required or expected to write a positive review. The opinions in this review are mine only. Awesome book, and very well worth your read.

Alex Donnelly’s entire life has been a complete disaster. Where some foster homes are good, Alex ended up in the worst of the worst, with limited food to eat and abuse that no one should face, much less an innocent child. This is why he picked the Yukon to hide from life and everyone in it. And when you hear his story, you won’t blame Alex at all. Then the visit came that would change Alex’s life forever, that is if Alex really believed what he was hearing.

Alex was special from the beginning, because of his lonely and sad life you can’t help but love him. The hurt he had endured in life was so deep that it seemed that Alex was just too far gone to ever be helped. What Alex didn’t realize was that he couldn’t hide from God. And it seemed there was always a Christian in Alex’s path. But Alex would still have to make the decisions. Join Alex as he discovers things about his past, and about God that will capture your heart and keep you in the pages of this book until the end.

I just can’t say enough about Marcia Laycock’s “One Smooth Stone.” I really enjoyed the visit to the Yukon and the other neat places we get to visit during this story. You can tell Marcia has lived near the Yukon and surrounding areas by the vivid details of how she describes the setting. And then there is Alex. I felt so bad for Alex, he was so hurt and bitter, living a lonely life because of how people had treated him. I appreciate Marcia dealing with this side of foster can, and what children actually go though, and the effect it has on their lives.

If you only have time to read two books right now, then Marcia Laycock’s “One Smooth Stone” and its sequel, “A Tumbled Stone” need to be the two. The issues Marcia writes about here, and how she writes in her stories that God is in control of our lives, and how we need to Trust Him, are lessons everyone need to learn. Whatever difficulty you have gone through or are going through, this book will be a valuable resource for you to read and keep on hand.