Review for The Way Back by by Heidi Chiavaroli

Welcome to the Takeover + Review Blitz for The Way Back by Heidi Chiavaroli hosted by JustRead Publicity Tours!

About the Book

The Way Back

Title: The Way Back
Series: Lights of Acadia #1
Author: Heidi Chiavaroli
Publisher: Hope Creek Publishers
Release Date: June 18, 2024
Genre: Dual Timeline Women’s Fiction

Young love means everything . . . until it leaves you with nothing.

The summer before her senior year of high school, Laney Jacobs and her best friend jump from a six-story beachside cliff in an attempt to impress their boyfriends. Laney rose from the water. Her friend did not.

Six years later, when Laney’s troubled mother’s memoir hits the bestseller list airing the family’s destructive secrets, Laney is forced to relive the trauma, this time in the public eye. To escape the scrutiny, she seeks shelter at her estranged grandmother’s seaside inn. But she can’t reconcile the loving woman with the heartless parent in her mother’s book. As she seeks answers, the boyfriend who once cost her a promising future reappears, stirring up both pain and hope.

When her mother’s vindictive fans threaten her grandmother’s livelihood and the lighthouse Laney has come to love, she turns to the century-old words of a young lighthouse keeper to help her find the courage to move forward. But once truths from the past come to light and old love finds new beginnings, will Laney discover that forgiveness is the only way toward true healing?


Oh my goodness what an amazing read. Life has not been easy for Laney since she lost her best friend in an accident and lost her boyfriend at the same time. Then her mother’s memoir was released, and her nana suffers several ways of hurt by the accusations in this memoir, not to forget what it does to nana’s Seaside Inn. Laney and her nana had a lot to endure.

The author deals with many tough issues in The Way Back. A lot of these issues go back many years and family hurt is so deep it will take a lot to even break through. It is when Laney starts cleaning out some of the family’s old stuff that she finds a centry old journal written by a young lightkeeper as she makes sure the lights are on each night in the lighthouse. This was one of my favorite parts of the story, and I am going to leave it at that. You will understand when you read this book. One thing I will say is, I would love to see that old journal published, it would make a great companion to this book. There is so much more I wanted to read in that journal, and I know there must have been so much more there. Just my thoughts!

There is so much going on in this book. I love the setting of the old Seaside Inn with its Lighthouse highly reaching so beautifully. I was also glad Laney and her nana began to form a relationship, just as I had with my grandmother. Jason showing up was a little touchy as first, but it was good. I enjoyed he and Laney’s conversations and how he helped her so much. I couldn’t understand nana speaking up about the memoir at first, but toward the end, I got it. And I must say that is one of the most beautiful endings I’ve read in a book. Some may not feel like that, but I do. I was completely mesmerized by this story.

I’m giving The Way Back by Heidi Chiavaroli Five Stars and I wish I could give it more. If you enjoy beaches and old lighthouses, Christian historical fiction, or just a good clean book to read, I highly recommend this one.

A special thanks to the author/publisher for a copy of this book. I am not required to write a positive review, the opinions here are mine alone. I am disclosing this with my review in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255.

PURCHASE LINKS*: Goodreads | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Bookshop

About the Author

Heidi Chiavaroli

Heidi Chiavaroli (pronounced shev-uh-roli…sort of like Chevrolet and ravioli mushed together!) wrote her first story in third grade, titled I’d Cross the Desert for Milk. It wasn’t until years later that she revisited writing, using her two small boys’ nap times to pursue what she thought at the time was a foolish dream. Despite a long road to publication, she hasn’t stopped writing since! Heidi writes women’s fiction, combining her love of history and literature to write both split time stories and contemporary fiction. Her debut novel, Freedom’s Ring, was a Carol Award winner and a Christy Award finalist, a Romantic Times Top Pick and a Booklist Top Ten Romance Debut. Her second Carol Award-winning novel, The Orchard House, is inspired by the lesser-known events in Louisa May Alcott’s life and led her to write The Orchard House Bed and Breakfast series, a contemporary twist on Little Women. Heidi makes her home in Massachusetts with her husband, two sons, and Wyatt, her standard poodle.

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Tour Schedule

The Way Back JustRead Takeover + Review Blitz

Launch Post @JustReadTours

June 19
Only By Grace Reviews
Inspired by fiction
By The Book
Beauty in the Binding
A Modern Day Fairy Tale
Becky’s Bookshelves
Faithfully Bookish
Danielle Grandinetti

June 20
Cindy’s Book Corner
Reading Is My Remedy
Danielle’s Writing Spot
Heidi Reads…
Woven by Words
Bookworm Mama
Beauty in the Binding Blog

June 21
Happily Managing a Household of Boys
Hallie Reads
Reading Is My SuperPower
Batya’s Bits
Wishful Endings
Reading Is My Remedy – Book Reviews
A Modern Day Fairy Tale

Veronica, Amy, Rosalyn, Mindy, Amy, Kristina, Kelly-Ann, Kelly, Joy, Cathy, Cheri, Norma,

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